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A Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Hate Speech Detection
TTA Putri, S Sriadhi, RD Sari, R Rahmadani, HD Hutahaean

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Tansa Trisna Astono Putri

PTIK-FT, Universitas Negeri Medan

Freedom of opinion through social media is frequently allows a negative impact that spreads hatred. This study aims to automatically detect Indonesian tweets that contain hate speech on Twitter social media. The data used amounted to 4,002 tweets related to politics, religion, ethnicity and race in Indonesia. The application model uses classification methods with machine learning algorithms such as Naïve Bayes, Multi Level Perceptron, AdaBoost Classifier, Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine. The study also compared the performance of the model using SMOTE to overcome imbalanced data. The results show that the Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm produces the best model with the highest recall value of 93.2% which has an accuracy value of 71.2% and an F1-score of 80.1% for the classification of hate speech. Therefore, the Multinomial Naïve Bayes algorithm without SMOTE is recommended as the model to detect hate speech on social media.

machine learning algorithm, hate speech detection, twitter

Computer and Communication Engineering


A Finger Print Based student attendance management system
Glenn D P Maramis, Parabelem Tindo Dolf Rompas (b*)

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Glenn David Paulus Maramis

Universitas Negeri Manado

Nowadays, there are some technology that has been used for recording attendance system, such as RFID, Mobile, etc. RFID technology for recording attendance management system has some vulnerabilities, such as cheating person. Finger print technology is used for overcoming this problem. This research aims to implement this technology as an alternative system to replace an old system that used RFID technology. Kanban method has been selected to develop this software as is believed can be effectively to develop sustainable system without destroy the old system. As the result this system has increased time marked efficiently and effectively.

Finger Print, Kanban Method, Attendance Management System

Computer and Communication Engineering


A Traffic Congestion Analysis in Urban Networks
Mukhidin, Iwan Kustiawan, and Adryan J Lelana

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Iwan Kustiawan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This paper aims at analyzing traffic congestion in a base station site, Bandung city. We did experiments using iManager webLCT U2000. The connection test spans from a site using UTP cable to GPON, then to Telkom device using fiber optic, and finally to RNC. The tests are carried out before and after trouble shooting process. There are huge packet losses founded in the network so the traffic congestions are unavoidable. The key problem and solution are identified in this study. The assessment results after solving problems show that the data traffic experienced a decrease of 28.23% and the payload increased by 61.45%.

Traffic congestion, packet loss, payload

Computer and Communication Engineering


Analysis of Higher Education Executive Information System in Indonesian
V. P Rantung (a*), C P C Munaiseche (a), T Komansilan (b)

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Corresponding Author
Vivi Peggie Rantung

a) Department of Informatics, Universities Negeri Manado
Kampus UNIMA Tondano, Tondano 95618, Indonesia
b) Department of Information and Technology Education, Universities Negeri Manado
Kampus UNIMA Tondano, Tondano 95618, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to analyze Executive Information System (EIS) that suits the need of the executive level in higher education. To achieve these specific targets, the FAST method was used. We focus the analysis phase in Manado state university. The final result of this study is an EIS process model that will use for design a web-based application that providing flexible facilities for executives (Rector) in accessing external and internal information that is useful to identify problems in internal decision making.

executive information system, FAST method, higher education management, information system

Computer and Communication Engineering


Analysis of Interaction Design Patterns on M-commerce Applications for Housewives
Septiana Putri(a), Veronikha Effendy (a*), Danang Junaedi (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Danang Junaedi

(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia
(b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia

Housewives as lay users who do not work outside the home at this time are considered not productive in financial terms because it only depends on the husbands income. This housewife needs activities that can increase income and productivity in financial terms. One effort that can be done is to sell products owned by housewives as lay users. Currently, the selling trend has shifted from offline stores to online stores, one of which is through the m-commerce application. However, due to the ability of housewives to operate m-commerce applications is not good so that housewives are less able to take advantage of existing m-commerce as a medium for selling online. This has led to the emergence of problems of interaction patterns that have not been able to communicate design well for housewives as lay users. So it takes an analysis of interaction patterns as a guide in designing the user interface. The User-Centered Design (UCD) approach is used to analyze interaction patterns so that it can help find better design solutions that can overcome the problems of lay users. Interaction design testing is done by Testing Based Usability Testing using a questionnaire Interaction design testing is done by Testing Based Usability Testing using a questionnaire. Where testing the measured factors that are useful, effective, learnable, Memorable, helpful, engaging are expected to get good grades. The results of this study are the Interaction Design Pattern in m-commerce that is suitable for housewives in a case study environment.

Interaction Design Pattern, M-commerce, User-Centered Design

Computer and Communication Engineering


Soeprijanto (*), Aodah diamah, Rusmono

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Corresponding Author
Soeprijanto Soeprijanto

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to describe the level of digital literacy, career plans and student achievements and analyze the extent of the relationship between variable digital literacy variables, and career plans with learning achievement. The research method used is descriptive correlational. The problems raised in this study are whether there is a relationship between the relationship between digital literacy variables, career plans both in the same way as together, together with student achievement. The study population was students of the Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University, the study sample was taken by stratified random sampling. The results showed that the digital literacy of UNJ Faculty of Engineering students was good. The results of the calculation of partial correlation between variables in the significance of 0.05 as follows: (1) between digital literacy (X1) and student achievement (Y) obtained r14 = 0.066. (T count = 2.208 ≥ T table = 1.98), and (2) between digital Career Planning (X3) and Student Learning Achievement (Y) obtained a value of r34 = 0.308 (T count = 3.488 greater than T table = 1, 98). The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) There is a significant relationship between digital literature and student achievement; (2) There is a significant relationship between Career planning and student achievement. (4). There is a varied relationship between digital literacy, career planning between study programs in the environment, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University. The implication of the findings in this research is that the software study program ensures that all students master information technology and have a clear career planning.

Keywords: Digital literacy, information technology. carreer planning, student achievement.

Computer and Communication Engineering


Analysis of the application of electronic records management systems to employee motivation
Try Hikmawan (a*), Budi Santoso (b)

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Corresponding Author
Try Hikmawan

a) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The application of an electronic records management system is expected to have a positive influence on employee motivation. The purpose of this research is to learn from the use of an electronic archive management system regarding the work mechanism of employees at the KPw Bank Indonesia, West Java Province. The research method uses quantitative research methods. The focus of research on the use of an electronic archive management system is being applied. This study uses data analysis methods such as interviews and documentation as well as data analysis methods used using descriptive analysis methods. Based on the results of research on the use of electronic records management systems can increase employee motivation.

electronic, records management system, employee, motivation, bank, web 3.0

Computer and Communication Engineering


Analysis of the Certainty Factor Method and the Dempster-Shafer Method for the Early Detection of Student Depression
RD Sari, R Rahmadani, TTA Putri, HD Hutahaean, S Sriadhi

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Ressy Dwitias Sari

PTIK-FT, Universitas Negeri Medan

Academic loads in writing a thesis cause students difficulties to complete studies. This problem can be solved with the application of an expert system with early detection of depressive end-level students that compares several methods such as the Certainty Factor method and the Dempster-Shafer method. Certainty Factor method is to measure certainty of facts or rules in defining the level of expert confidence, while the Dempster-Shafer method combines uncertainty that has characteristics according to the way of thinking of experts but has a mathematical basis. Comparison of these methods is to get the most appropriate and best method for early detection of depression. The methodology used in this study is a comparative test of two methods, with a mechanism starting from (1) Gathering data related to the depression of final year students; (2) Data acquisition and weighting of confidence values; (3) Calculate formulations from both methods; (4) Perform a comparative test to obtain conclusions. The result shows that two examples of cases with different symptoms as input data, the probability value of the two sample cases resulted in the Certainty Factor method having the highest probability value compared to the Dempster-Shafer method. Certainty Factor method obtains the highest value which means this method is the most appropriate and the best model in early detection of depression. The Certainty Factor method will be implemented in building an expert system for early detection of depression to assist students in drawing conclusions of the initial diagnosis before conducting an intensive psychological examination.

Expert System, Depression, Certainty Factor Method, Dempster-Shafer Method

Computer and Communication Engineering


Dedi Rohendi, Didin Wahyudin, dan Yaya Wihardi

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Dedi Rohendi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The concept of mathematical applications in engineering is one material that is difficult for students to understand, because besides having to understand the technical concepts discussed, they must also be able to associate with mathematical concepts. One aspect that needs more understanding of this concept is how to visualize the technical concepts, so that mathematical rules can be modeled. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop multimedia animation in the concept of mathematical applications in the field of engineering. The method used in this study is to analyze the development needs of multimedia, both software, hard, material application techniques that use mathematics, then design, development, and testing. The results of the study show that multimedia animation in the application concept of mathematical techniques is able to explain abstract concepts from mathematical concepts in engineering. The test results show that this multimedia is deemed feasible to use.

application concepts, mathematical engineering, multimedia animation, visualization, mathematical rules.

Computer and Communication Engineering


Application of K-Medoids Clustering Method for Grouping Corn Plants Based on Productivity, Production, and Area of Land in East Java
Dimas Wahyu Wibowo (1), Yoppy Yunhasnawa (1), Awan Setiawan(2), Erfan Rohadi (1), Mokhamad Khamdan Khabibi (1)

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Corresponding Author
Mokhamad Khamdan Khabibi

(1) Informatics Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 9, Malang 65141, Indonesia
(2) Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 9, Malang 65141, Indonesia

Corn plants has an important role in compliance national and international food needs after rice and wheat. According to Ir. Pending Dadih Permana, Director General of Food Infrastructure and Facilities (PSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, East Java is one of province that the biggest corn producers in Indonesia. But it still can not supply the increasing market needs in Indonesia. Therefor, it requeres a grouping corn plants based on produktivity, production, and area of land in East Java in order to increase level of procurement of corn plants in East Java. In process of grouping, it use K-Medoids algorithm. K-Medoids algorithm as known as Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM), which is varians of K-Means method. This is based on the use of medoids, not from observation of mean that owned by each cluster, with purpose reduce the sensitivity of partitions due to the extreme values in the dataset. This algorithm is an algorithm that can produce data that is not sensitive to outliers because one of object with some big value. These deviations can occur from data distribution. Based on the result of grouping corn plants based on productivity, production, and area of land which has been done, there are 3 clusters with at most 21 members, and at least 8 members. From this research, it can concluded that K-Medoids algorithm can help determine potential of the location of corn producing plants in East Java.

Corn; Clustering; K-Medoids; Productivity; Production; Area

Computer and Communication Engineering


Are the physics learning devices of digitalization significant in the era of industrial revolution 4.0?
MA Dhina (a*), SR Mubaroq (b), G Hadisoebroto (a), RVM Puspa (c)

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Corresponding Author
Meiry Akmara Dhina

a) Universitas Al-Ghifari, Bandung Indonesia
b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung Indonesia
c) Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Yapari-ABA, Bandung Indonesia

This research has been done to find out how the significance of digitalization on learning module in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, specifically in physics learning. In education field, industrial revolution 4.0 can give effects on how to learn, how to think, and how to act to the students. So as the increasing of human resources- competence through link and match program between the education and industry be required. On physics learning, is found that many digital learning devices, either online or offline, for instance, lab virtual digital book, and digital learning module. The method used in this research, is content analysis that analyses the compatibility of the content on digital learning device to the learning objectives. The devices of digital learning which are going to be analysed, are learning module and physics practical module. Being expected that using this analysis can be able to make researches advanced or stronger in developing of digital learning module as the effort to achieve of education-s goals in preparing the competence of human resources in the era of industrial revolution 4.0.

digitalization; physics learning devices; industrial revolution 4.0

Computer and Communication Engineering


Automatic Water Refining System Based On Internet Of Things Using Tsukamoto Fuzzy Method
A.A.Ayu Putri Ardyanti, S.T.,M.T., I Gede Juliana Eka Putra, S.T.,M.T., I Gede Tommy Wijaya

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Corresponding Author
I Gede Tommy Wijaya

Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Primakara
Jl. Tukad Badung No. 135, Renon-Denpasar, Bali, telp. 0361 8956 085

The development of science and technology is growing very rapidly and requires us to work faster and more efficiently. The development of science and technology that has increasingly developed, one of which is the internet can also carry a concept that can aim to expand the benefits of internet connectivity that is connected continuously with such data, remote control or can be called Internet of Things (IoT). Internet or Internet of Things (IoT) can also be used to facilitate water distillation. One of the uses of water use is in fish cultivation, especially in koi fish ponds. By analyzing wastewater then distillation is carried out to make ready-to-use water that can be controlled over long distances, using the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method planted on a microcontroller that regulates decision making in distillation based on the value of water level input and water turbidity.

Microcontroller; Turbidity Sensor; Tsukamoto Fuzzy logic; Ultrasonic Sensor

Computer and Communication Engineering


Automatic Watering System For Plants Using Mamdani Fuzzy Method
A.A. Ayu Putri Ardyanti, S.T., M.T., I Gede Juliana Eka Putra, S.T., M.T., A.M. Adi Putra Jaya

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Corresponding Author
A.M. Adi Putra Jaya

Program Studi Teknik Informatika Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Primakara
Jl. Tukad Badung No. 135, Renon - Denpasar, Bali, telp. 0361 8956 085

Current technological developments are so rapid, the use of technology is needed for humans, one of which is in the field of agriculture / plantation. Caring for plants in addition to good fertilization, it is also necessary to water the right plants. The amount of water can be too much if the watering time is too long and vice versa. Therefore we need an automatic plant sprinkler based on the Arduino microcontroller that is able to process the entire circuit and control all watering. The use of Mamdani fuzzy logic is implanted in the microcontroller as a reference in making decisions when plants are watered or not based on the value of the soil moisture sensor and air temperature sensor, so that the water requirements in the plant can be fulfilled.

Microcontroller; Arduino; Soil moisture sensor; temperature sensor; Mamdani fuzzy logic

Computer and Communication Engineering


Best Key Points Scenario for OLSR Implementation of Wireless Ad Hoc Network
Lipur Sugiyanta

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Lipur Sugiyanta

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This paper presents the assessment results and findings of the simulation infrastructure project using OPNET have been developed and implemented to cover the protocols and design issues of the wireless MANET architect with minimum overlaps. All the nodes (devices) are wireless, mobile and equal (no access points, base stations, or any other kind of infrastructure). The concept of the mobile ad-hoc network suggests the incorporation of routing functionality into mobile nodes, in other words all nodes should be able to act as routers for each other. This network is self-configuring and can have dynamically changing multi-hop topologies, composed of, likely, bandwidth constrained wireless links. Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol for mobile and wireless ad hoc networks was integrated in a commercial routing stack suite. OLSR operation mainly consists of updating and maintaining information in routing tables. The data in these tables is based on received control traffic and the control traffic is generated based on information retrieved from the tables. The optimization is based on a technique called MultiPoint Relaying. The simulation model on OPNET was configured and simulated to address the challenges of OLSR implementation with various topologies, especially the environment to meet the following key points: a) planning of node movements, b) dynamic status of network topology and connectivity (map or canvas based), c) operational planning based on communication conditions, and d) planning of the communications infrastructure.. The project results in best settings for our network and can predict the cost, traffic behaviours, throughput and efficiency of the network beforehand.

wireless MANET, OLSR, topology, multi point relay

Computer and Communication Engineering


Booking Smart Parking System Using Microcontroller
Nopi Ramsari, Suharjanto Utomo

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Nopi Ramsari

Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics
Nurtanio University

Recently there are many vehicle users have difficulty to find a parking area because of the lack of availability of information full or empty parking slot so that it can cause congestion, pollution, and fuel inefficency. Microcontroller based Smart Parking System is an Internet of Things based system that is designed to make easier for parking users to get information on the availability of empty and filled parking slots, in addition to that parking users can also book for parking slots using web based applications.There are many phases to implement microcontroller based Smart Parking System i.e requirements systems, prototyping development, prototyping evaluation, coding system, testing and evaluation system. This system uses hardware such as Arduino Mega, Arduino Uno, Ethernet Shield, PN532 and NFC (Near Field Communication). The programming language used is C to configure Arduino and PHP which are used for the web interface while MySQL for its the database server. By this Smart Parking Application, it is expected to help parking service users to get information and find empty parking slots through booking in the application so that it will be more efficient in time, energy and parking management will be more controlled.

Parking, Internet of Things, microcontrollers, Arduino, Web

Computer and Communication Engineering


Classification and Compilation of the Creative Economy Database in Bekasi Regency
Irland Fardani, Ina Helena Agustina, Muhammad Alif Dilyan Yulindra

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Irland Fardani

Bandung Islamic University

Creativity is the main capital in facing global challenges. In developing the creative economy, required a number of qualified Human Resources (HR) with innovative power and high creativity. But in its implementation, in many region they do not have a database that contain the potential of this creative economy. This study aims to compile a database of creative economic distribution related to tourism activities in Bekasi Regency. The first step was to classify the potential of the existing creative economy and then design the application that could accommodate the potential of the creative economy. From the results of the study it appears that in Bekasi district the most dominant subsector is the culinary sub sector and if we see from the distribution of existing districts, Cikarang subdistrict has the most creative economic potential among other districts.

Creative, Economy, Database

Computer and Communication Engineering


Companys Website and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Tax Aggressiveness
Reni Dwi Widyastuti(a), Aisyah(a), Febriati(a), Renny Wulandari(a), Aris Setiawan(a), Endang Noerhartati(b*), Lusy Tunik Muharlisiani (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Reni Dwi Widyastuti

a) Economic Faculty, Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak, Indonesia
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia
b*) Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Indonesia
Jln. Dukuh Kupang XXV/54 Surabaya

The purpose of this research analyzed companys website and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Tax Aggressiveness. The method used quantitative research, the independent variables are the companys website (X1) and Corporate Social Responsibility (X2), the dependent variable is tax aggressiveness (Y). Data analysis used multiple regression. The results of this research of the regression equation are as follows Y = 0.053 + 0.113X1 + 0.253 + e with significance X1 = 0.073, X2 = 0.005, showed companys website and Corporate Social Responsibility significant on Tax Aggressiveness. The most spacious Corporate Social Responsibility by companies, and the supervision of taxes on the companys website can be used as a benchmark in tax supervision, and supported the society in paying taxes.

Company Website, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tax Aggressiveness, Tax Supervision

Computer and Communication Engineering


Comparison Of Accessibility Of OER Repositories Of Developed Countries And Developing Countries
Saripudin Djohar, A. Rohendi, D. Abdullah, A G

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Saripudin Saripudin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Access to quality of education in the era of ICT technology is growing so rapidly, by utilizing this technology ideally it is not a problem, thus the presence of technology can be a problem solver that occurs such as inequality of quality education material and access to the intended materials, this is certainly a dream all parties because, in reality, all this is not an easy job. The biggest challenge in equalizing the quality of education is experienced by almost all countries in the world, especially countries with large territories and populations. Inequalities or gaps in differences and equal access to quality education material occur in almost every country in the world. Distance learning can be carried out easily by utilizing ICT infrastructure. Almost every country in the world strives to provide open wide access through the use of web-based applications to facilitate and facilitate the population of the needs of teaching materials according to the population. This article will discuss, analyze and explore the comparison of the accessibility of the Open Educational Resources (OER) repository in developed countries with developing countries.

Open Educational Resources OER, Learning Resources, ICT, Vocational Education, Repository

Computer and Communication Engineering


Correlation Regulation Comply, Accountability, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) On Palm Oil Plantation Profitability by Internet Communications Technology (ICT)
Purwanto*(a), Adiyath Randy Yudi Mamase*(b), Reni Dwi Widyastuti(b), Endang Noerhartati*(c), Lusy Tunik Muharlisiani*(c)

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Corresponding Author
Purwanto Purwanto

a) Departement Law Faculty of Law at Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak, Indonesia
b) Department Management at Universitas Panca Bhakti, Pontianak, Indonesia
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia
cUniversitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Jln. Dukuh Kupang XXV/54 Surabaya

The purpose of this research analyzed free investment ideology characteristic from democracy economy context, and increasingly neo-liberal economy mainstream, was made legal instrument that regulate in management investment of palm oil plantation by Internet Communications Technology (ICT) based learning. The method used quantitative research, the independent variables consisting of regulation comply (X1), accountability (X2), and CSR (X3), and the dependent variable is profitability (Y), data analysis used multiple regression with testing validity, reliability, performs tests of normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, heterokedacity, and ICT based learning used Action Research (AR). The results showed three independent variables are significant with the regression equation Y = 2,012 + 0,326X1 + 0,311X2 + 0,375X3 + e, and sig value X1= 0,043 , X2= 0,023 , and X3= 0,038. Palm oil plantation management with community through regulation comply, accountability and support through CSR increase profitability, and the implementation of ICT based learning showed that the achievement on stock underpricing subjects. Average student learning outcomes before the action amounted to 65.21, after the first cycle the action applied to increased 80.12. In the second cycle increased to 86.89, finding this research is the application of ICT based learning can improve learning achievement stock underpricing subjects.

Underpricing; Underwriter, Auditor, Profitability, Company Size

Computer and Communication Engineering


Correlation Underwriter, Auditors, Profitability and Company Sizes on Stock Underpricing by Internet Communications Technology (ICT) Based Learning
Adiyath Randy Yudi Mamase(a), Naiyun Untung Pratama(a), Adi Mursalin(a), Maulana Filani Rizal(a), Lusy Tunik Muharlisiani(b*)

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Corresponding Author
Adiyath Randy Yudi Mamase

a) Department Management at Universitas Panca Bhakti, Pontianak, Indonesia
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia
b) Department English Education at Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Indonesia
Jl. Dukuh Kupang XXV/54 Surabaya, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to analyze correlation of underwriter, auditor, profitability and company size on stock underpricing by ICT based learning. The method used is quantitative research, the independent variables consisting of underwriter reputation (X1), auditor reputation (X2), profitability (X3) and company size (X4), and the dependent variable was underpricing (Y). Data analysis used multiple regression which begins with testing validity and reliability and performs tests of normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and ICT based learning used Action Research (AR). The results showed that the three independent variables X1, X2, X3 had a negative, and X4 had a positive towards the dependent variable Y with the regression equation Y = 29.760 – 10.011X1 – 11.812X2 – 0.512X3 + 0.366X4 + e and sig value X1= 0.040, X2= 0.103, X3= 0.079 and X4= 0.750. Underwriter has influence toward stock underpricing and a good performance, implementation of ICT based learning in the subjects of stock underpricing, showed an increase in average student learning outcomes in each cycle, average student learning outcomes before the action amounted to 68.81, the first cycle 79.70 and second cycle 88.00.

Underpricing, Underwriter, Auditor, Company Size, Internet Communications Technology

Computer and Communication Engineering


Data Security System Using Hybrid Cryptosystem RC4A-RSA Algorithm
R Rahmadani, TTA Putri, S Sriadhi, RD Sari, HD Hutahaean

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Corresponding Author
Reni Rahmadani

PTIK-FT, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

Data confidentiality is an important aspect of information systems. In case of that we need an application to maintain data confidentiality. This study aims to compare two methods of data security systems, namely using the RC4A algorithm which is a symmetric key cryptographic algorithm and the RSA algorithm which is an asymmetric algorithm with a hybrid process on the RC4A and RSA algorithms to secure the secret key of RC4A and speed up the encryption process of RSA. The study uses a comparative test on two algorithm methods, according to data security system parameters. Data is encrypted with the RC4A algorithm and the RC4A key obtained from KSA RC4A will be encrypted with RSA before sending to the receiver. The test results get Hybrid cryptosystem RC4A-RSA faster in completing the encryption process than RSA. Furthermore, the RC4A key can be secured by being encrypted using the RSA algorithm.

Cryptography, RC4A, RSA, Hybrid Cryptosystem

Computer and Communication Engineering


Decision Making Modeling for Two Group Alternatives Using Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting Approach (Case Study: Pastor Mutation in The Christian Evangelical Church Minahasa)
D R Kaparang (a*), C P Munaiseche (a), A C Djamen (a)

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Corresponding Author
Daniel Riano Kaparang

(a) Department of Engineering
Universitas Negeri Manado
Jalan Kampus UNIMA, Tondano, Minahasa, Indonesia

The use of mathematical models for a decision support usually contains a list of alternatives that depend on existing criteria. This study discusses two alternative groups that were interdependent using fuzzy simple additive weighting to solve the problem of employee mutations, especially pastors at The Christian Evangelical Church Minahasa which is done regularly in a period of five years. This mutation process must be assessed from several inherent aspects of the pastor and assessing the purpose of the place where it has to be mutated. The result was a ranking between the alternative clergy and alternative church targets. This model can be a recommendation for decision makers in the field of personnel of The Christian Evangelical Church Minahasa.

decision support system, fuzzy, simple additive weighting

Computer and Communication Engineering


Design of Data Structure and Navigation System Design as Remote Monitoring in VDR Operating Systems on Demand
Pandu Rama Satria Putranata (a), Surya Michrani Nasution, S.T., M.T (a), Fairuz Azmi, S.T., M.T (a)

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Corresponding Author
Pandu Rama Satria Putranata

Department of Computer Engineering,
Faculty of Electrical Enginnering
Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia

The use of Vehicle Data Recorder in automotif vehilce have become the norm, Vehilce such as Police car and ambulance are usually outfitted with a Vehicle Data Recorder device that has more accuracy and more detail, this device is used to monitor the vehicle, but in a case where the data cannot be recovered because a malfunction or an acciddent happen then data has a risk of damage which the data cannot be recovered. To fix this problem where the Data cannot be recovered, the writer has design and made a Prototype Navigation System as a long range Vehicle Data Recorder based on a onboard Vehicle Data Recorder that-s been installed on a car. In this system the Vehicle Data Recorder will send its data to a Server that will store it-s data, so the Data can be used in another time, this Data then can be called to a Computer Program to monitor the vehicle condition. In order to monitor the vehilce remotely the vehicle is installed with GPRS for sending data, in monitoring the vehicle a program that will receive the data that-s been sent, the program will show the condition of the vehicle in tabular form and to show the vehilce position then a map is made on the program so that the user can monitor the condition of the vehicle As for the System test, the system will be test with a simulated condition using a dummy data based on a moving car with a predetermined route to show the system performance

Vehicle monitoring

Computer and Communication Engineering


Design Of Development Of Educational Puzzle Children Of The Early Children Using Fisher Yates Shuffle Algorithm As A Tracker Of The Android Based Picture
Khaerul Manaf (1*) , Faiz M Kaffah(1), Irma Sovia Nita(1), Yogi Saputra(1),Ichan Taufik(1)

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Corresponding Author
Khaerul Manaf

1)Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia.

Game education is a game in which there are elements that can be honed and education can increase knowledge, whereas that is a game of puzzle construction through post or to match an object sehinggan into certain patterns. Fisher yates shuffle algorithm is a randomization technique where the algorithm is implemented on a puzzle piece, so the puzzle pieces out will be different and menghasikkan without repetition and duplication. In this study it can be concluded that the fisher yates shuffle algorithm capable of determining a solution that does not double randomization and not repetitive. Based on testing pretest and posttest educational puzzle game is able to enhance students knowledge of early childhood education as much as 23.68% which results pretest posttest 64.13% and 87.81% results

educational games, puzzles, fisher yates, android apps

Computer and Communication Engineering


Design of monitoring application of cathodic protection using data acquisition module
Edi Mulyana, Firman Khoerul Ihsan, Kristian Ismail, Asep Supriadin, Teti Sudiarti

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Edi Mulyana

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

The impressed current cathodic protection is one of the effort to prevent a metal from corrosion by supplying electricity to metal objects. However, the protection system that supplies electricity must always be monitored so that the electricity intake to the metal object is sufficient to protect it from the corrosion. The way how to monitor the electricity intake to the metal is to read the current intaking on the metal. To read the electric current more easly is to use an application software. This research talk about the application design to display the electric current intaking on the metal through the computer screen. In order to read the electric current directly, the Advantect Data Acquisition Modul (ADAM) devices are used. The results show that the appliation is able to display the value of protection current for iron plate steel with size 30x10 cm are between 0.15 A to 0.18 A while for iron plate with a size of 30x13 cm are between 0.20 to 0.24 A. These values also avoid the over protection.

Cathodic protection, Corrosion, Data Acquisition Module, Application

Computer and Communication Engineering


Designing an Early Childhood Reproductive Health Education Game User Interface Using the Goal-Directed Design Method (A Case Study at Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia-PKBI of Bandung)
Rd. Muhammad Sopian Putra Pratama(a), Veronikha Effendy(a*), Danang Junaedi (b*)

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Danang Junaedi

(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia
(b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia

Based on data from KPAI, in 2010-2018 there were 2,218 cases of early childhood sexual violence. This could be due to the victims ignorance that the act someone did to them was classified as sexual violence. On top of that, most Indonesian parents still consider early childhood reproductive health education as taboo. PKBI is a non-governmental organization tasking itself with promoting early childhood reproductive health education through training programs for their cadres, psychologists, teachers, and parents. The training is delivered in a monotonous way, using books and puppet props. The purpose of this study is to design a game interface for home use by parents to provide early childhood reproductive health education to their children. The user interface was designed using the goal-directed design method. The result is a prototype containing training materials in the form of pictures, audios, and games. These training materials were essentially the introduction to body systems and functions, personal hygiene training, gender recognition training, and sexual abuse prevention training. The prototype was tested using the System Usability Scale (SUS) on a randomly selected sample of 15 early childhood students accompanied by their guardians. The scores of usability testing on the prototype of an early childhood reproductive health education game were 87.5% for the guardians and 82.83% for the students. These scores indicate that the prototype is useful and user-friendly.

educational game, goal directed design, reproductive health, SUS, user interface

Computer and Communication Engineering


Designing User Interface by implementing Multimodal on Reproductive Health Learning for Visual Impairment Teenagers using User-Centered Design Method: A Case Study at Mitra Citra Remaja Bandung
Bagas Priowibowo(a), Veronikha Effendy(a*), Danang Junaedi(*b)

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Corresponding Author
Danang Junaedi

(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia
(b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia

MCR is an organization under the PKBI Bandung Institute that has concerns in reproductive health education for high school teenagers. MCR has e-learning that contains materials about reproductive health. However, it is not accessible for visual impairment teenagers, for the example the picture in the e-learning cannot be read by screen reader software, and lack of reproductive health learning that specifically for the visual impairment teenagers causes the lack of comprehensive learning and lack of independent learning for visual impairment teenagers. So, the Android-based application of reproductive health learning was developed that can be accessed more easily by visual impairment teenagers through screen reader software. The application designed to implement multimodal interaction, that can become natural interaction involving several human senses in using applications that offer flexibility, efficiency and the use of a usable environment. The application allows the user to interact through several inputs such as touch, or gesture and get an output as a sound. In this study writer using a user-centered design method, so the design can be focused on the user. The result of the user interface model will be performed usability testing with the USE questionnaire method. Based on the usability testing result, It can be said has met the usability element accessible for the visual impairment teenagers.

visual impairment teenagers, usability, USE questionnaire, user centered design, user interface

Computer and Communication Engineering


Designing User Interface on Mobile Application Complaints and Sexual Violence Counseling for Youth Using Goal-Directed Design Method (Case Study: MCR PKBI Bandung)
Dita Padila Awaliyah(a), Veronikha Effendy(a*), Danang Junaedi (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Danang Junaedi

(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia
(b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia

MCR PKBI Bandung provides a complaint and counseling service for youth which is by doing complaints and counseling personally with the counselor. But, there are still limitations on the counseling services such as the complaint messages that come in on the youth counselor-s Interface is being pilled up, the counseling messages that come in on the youth-s Interface is also being pilled up, other problems that come are privacy issues and the difficulty of the counselor and the youth to arrange a counseling appointment. Because of that, media is required to resolve the limitations so that the complaint and counseling of sexual violence activity can go without any problems. Nowadays, effective communication media between humans and computers is called a mobile application. One of the most important components that need to be researched on developing a mobile application prototype is the User Interface. In this paper, a Goal-Directed Design method is used to design the User Interface based on the behavior that identifies the counselor and the youth-s purpose and motivation. A SUS method is used as a tool to test the usability of the prototype. The result of the usability test of the complaint and counseling mobile application prototype using a SUS method is in A grade, so it can be concluded that the user likes the prototype and they sure will recommend the prototype to their colleague.

Goal Directed Design, sexual violence, SUS, Usability, and User Interface

Computer and Communication Engineering


Lutfi Asyari, Ejen Jenal Mutaqin, Neni Nadiroti Muslihah, Eko Surya Ningrat, Widdy Sukma Nugraha

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Program Studi PGSD FPISBS IPI Garut

This research was enthused by the use of ICT in Instructional Design. It goes without saying that the use of ICT requires optimal conformation between the ICT features and how Brain Compatible principle processes the information. This study offers a web-based adaptive instructional design model to accommodate personalized ideas in learning. This research and development study was carried out through four stages: synthesizing the conceptual framework of instructional design, analyzing the design and developing initial instructional design application prototype, evaluating the prototype, and revising the BCOOL web-based learning model prototype.This study concludes that the integration of brain compatible learning principles into a BCOOL web-based learning design produced a technology-assisted instructional design model that improve the effectiveness of independent learning. In addition it can be deduced that BCOOL web-based learning model can be used not only for information delivery purposes but also as a cognitive tool for learners.

Web-based instructional design, brain compatible learning principle

Computer and Communication Engineering


Setya Chendra Wibawa, Veny Kusuma Dewi, Andi Kristanto, Dedy Rahman Prehanto, Aries Dwi Indriyanti

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Setya Chendra Wibawa

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

This study aims to develop an animated media camera angle based on the functions of the interior and exterior of a flash-based camera. This study used a 4D model by Thiagarajan. The trial design used was Quasi-Experimental Design Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The data of this study were obtained from 5 Multimedia validators and students consisting of two samples, namely the experimental class 36 students and the control class 36 students. Validation results show that the developed media gets a percentage of 87.5%, the results are included in the very valid category. While student learning outcomes were obtained from posttest and psychomotor which showed the average experimental class was higher than the control class. The average posttest of the experimental class was 81.81 and the control class was 71.46. While the psychomotor average of the experimental class 91.75 and the control class 87.31. Finally, it can be concluded that this learning media can be submitted as a media reference for students to learn about the cameras functions and camera composition

Learning Media, Exterior Interior Camera Animation

Computer and Communication Engineering


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